


Thinking in the quiet moonnight


    This are two different form  on the same poem.
The poem is created LiBai who is the great poet in China during Tang dynasty. The poem is the basis of the child start to learn poem. The poem could be recited by anyone.
 Next, I could try to translate it. The poem has four sentences. “床前明月光”is means the light of moon is flowing from window , you can catch it in front of your bed.“疑是地上霜”is means the light too beautiful and white as if the hoarfrost on the ground. “举头望明月” is means you raise your head to watch the clear moon. “低头思故乡” is means you look at the ground to miss your hometown.
The poem has simple word to describe he miss his hometown. Moon is the sign of miss hometown and family reunion. We also has mid-autumn festival to miss family and hometown. After author saw the light of clear moon, he miss his family more than before. He feels alone in the moonlight, he only could watch the moon to becalm himself.   


